The Five W’s of Sharing
If you are breathing, you have experienced a miracle. Some have seen the dead come back to life and some are lucky to get a warning for speeding. Whatever the dynamic, sharing personal experiences brings strength and hope to others. Below are the Five W’s of sharing. Use them to discern your storytelling.
Who do we talk about? Try to keep sharing personal. It’s never a good idea to talk about someone else’s experience unless given prior thumbs up. Sharing your story is faith building and we don’t want to take that away from someone else. Who do we talk to? Share with those in need of hope. With life’s challenges, hearing someone’s tale to the end of the tunnel may be all the fuel needed to keep on fighting.
What do we tell? Leave out the rated R details unless they can be used for good. For instance, if a friend is confused by their son’s behavior while in his addiction, sharing personal stories of the like can help separate what is her son and what is part of the addiction.
Where should we share? Try to share your story in appropriate places. Anonymity is important for addicts because of the stigma that can be placed upon them. There are support groups in most towns that provide a safe place to share with people that also want help or want to help. Setting a meeting time and place with a trusted friend or relative to ensure comfort and privacy is another great option.
When should we share? At any given point in your journey you may feel the need to share. Whether you’re at the beginning of a trial or experiencing freedom, your story is important and can help someone else.
Why story telling? Some say the past should be left where it’s at; in some instances that is true. Be wary of allowing the past to seem like just a dream. If we forget how hard we fought for the miracle we experienced we are likely to repeat past mistakes.
We were never intended to live this life alone. When we share our journey with others, it allows God to fulfill His purpose of using what was intended for bad for His good.
Lori Youngblood
Lori Youngblood is a recovering drug addict. Her mission is to help others gain knowledge about the disease of addiction.