Yesterday was International Overdose Awareness Day. WTF always tries to do something for that day. It is more challenging when August 31st falls during the week. So I reached out to the Denton County Juvenile Department, and they said come.
So, I had the opportunity to speak and show the documentary to the juvenile residents of the Courage to Change Program at Denton County Jail. It is such a great program because of all the counseling that each resident is given. When I do presentations like that, I can only pray that at least one person hears it and it will make a difference.
Later, I showed the documentary to the parents of those youth. That was totally different. Tears were flowing and you could see the fear in their faces. Fear of their child’s life due to drugs. Fear for their family unit. I believe that they all heard and that they will work toward keeping their youth on track when they finish the program.
However, the future is up to each of those youth. It is their journey. We can only pray they choose the best path.